Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Health is the most important we must consider inorder to make our body become healthy. What are the things that are we going to do inorder to make our body healthy? As of now , there are lot of people especially here in our country , the Philippine's are reported that many of us suffering from different lifestyle diseases like malnutrition. But what are the main reasons why many of us especially childrens and adults are suffering from this diseases? Many of us are not eating well . Many cannot afford to buy nutritious food , because of the GLOBAL CRISIS that we are facing right now . Another , according to my observation many students are buying junkfoods as their merienda even their lunch . In this case , because our body and resistance are weak , we can easily get sick . At this point simple illness will or may lead into a serious one.
Now what else are you waiting for? Change your life and make it deligth. Eat nutritious foods to avoid getting from sickness.

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